
Review Article

Bruxism: Its multiple causes and its effects on Dental Implants: A Review

Devinder Preet Singh*, Sameera Singh Deo and Nitya Dogra

Published: 12 May, 2017 | Volume 2 - Issue 2 | Pages: 057-063

The rehabilitation of partially or completely edentulous patients with implant supported prostheses has been widely used, achieving high success rates. However, many studies consider the presence of bruxism as a contraindication for this treatment modality. The purpose of this study was to review the literature and identify risk factors in implant supported rehabilitation planning in subjects with bruxism. The rehabilitation of bruxers using implant supported prostheses, using implants with adequate length and diameter, as well as proper positioning, seems to be a reliable treatment with reduced risks of failure. Bruxism control through the use of a night guard by rigid occlusal stabilization appliance, relieved in the region of implants, is highly indicated. Although it is clear that implant supported rehabilitation of patients with bruxism requires adequate planning and follow-up, well-designed randomized controlled trials are needed to provide reliable evidence on the long-term success of this treatment modality.

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Dental implants; Implant-supported dental prosthesis; Mouth rehabilitation; Tooth diseases


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